Take time to just be. Gathering your emotions, thoughts and rest. Deep breathing and caring for you and your wellbeing. I suggest doing this right away in the morning for at least ten minutes and right before you go to sleep. It is connecting with yourself. Noticing how you feel on all levels; physically, emotionally, and intellectually. And then letting yourself rest and be in a safe space. You can play some relaxing music as you rest. Here is a link to one of my favorite albums.
I remember the moment I realized I didn't know what I was feeling or what I wanted. I was in my bedroom making my bed. I was more in tune with the dreams, goals, emotions and dreams of other people and didn't show much care and concern for myself. I was so focused on helping and pleasing other people-I got the leftover scraps.
That day was over twenty years ago. It was the day I started on a healing journey. First with the relationship I have with myself.
I know its hard to believe, but a lot of our stress and anxiety comes from not trusting our own self. We don't keep our own promises to ourselves. Showing up late, breaking the diet, skipping the gym, and not being able to break that bad habit are all ways we disappoint ourselves.
We are needing to rebuild trust in ourselves and our decision making.
The first step is recognizing and honoring your own basic needs. Then acting on those needs and take care of yourself. A sinking ship can't help drowning swimmers.
Love yourself. I believe in you.